Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I thought I would remind everyone who visits this blog that there are three things you should do before you leave.

No. 1: If this is your first time at the site, we sure would like it if you signed our Guestbook at the bottom of this page. That entails writing a short note (you can do it if you really try) and then we'd love to see you so please upload a photo for us. I know you're saying "but I don't know how!" Well, you clickity click on the bottom of the guestbook where it says "Sign This Guestbook" and follow the instructions. If you're male, this may be an issue, but just pretend you do it all the time (I'm sorry, I just had to get that in there, lol).

No. 2: If you'd like to automatically receive updated posts (instead of constantly visiting the site waiting for a post), then you can subscribe to this site, which again, is pretty easy. If you look over to the left (no, your other left), you should see where it says "Subscribe to." Then once again, just follow the instructions.

No. 3: Please, please comment about the posts. Besides the fact that it lets us know that people are actually viewing the site, lol, it's just plain nice to get some feedback from you all. If you're new to blogging, to leave a comment you go to the end of the post you want to comment on and just click on the word "Comments." If you're a veteran, then you really should know better and should have commented already!

AND FINALLY...(I know I said there were only three things to do; didn't I)

No.4: If you have a blog of your own and you would like us to feature it on ours, you got to give us the info. Of course, like most things, it will be left up to our discretion as to whether or not to honor your request 'cause there's a lot of weird and crazy and downright nasty stuff in the bloggy world and our goal here is to glorify Our Father, so.....you get the picture.

Okay, enough said, THE END.