Thursday, March 26, 2009


The ladies held their planning meeting Tuesday night for our ladies' bible class and we had a great turnout. There were 11 in attendance which is double what we normally have for our monthly classes. There are a lot of exciting things happening for the congregation and Pam's lesson before all the "planning" took place focused on being thankful for what the Lord has done and is doing for the Church here at Warren. We've had three baptisms this month, and several families expressing their desire to place membership here at Warren. Pam also spoke about the unity of purpose we have here at Warren in our desire to be obedient to God's word, how we have all come together in striving to do His will, and that in all that we do our goal is to glorify Him. It was a very good night, an encouraging night, with a call to celebrate and to attempt to let others not only hear about the joy we have in Christ, but to see it in our lives. There was of course, as always, lots of good food and some great fellowship. We stayed together longer than we intended, but I think all of the ladies left uplifted and ready and excited to get to work for the coming year.