Thursday, January 14, 2010


If you've been wondering how you can help bring some measure of relief and be of assistance to those suffering from the devastation brought on by the earthquake that rocked millions of people in Haiti this week, please take the time to click on the icon to the right of this post for information on how you can help.

(Galatians 6:10)

" we have opportunity, let us do good to...all...especially to those of the household of faith."

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

It's hard to believe that another year is past, and a new one has begun. It was great to sing and pray in the New Year with a few beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, and a few guests as well! One of the things that has always made our congregation special is our love for fellowship, and that makes the passing of time more joyful, though it seems sometime to make it pass more quickly.

Our attendance was unusually low for our New Year's Eve fellowship because of weather, sickness, injury, and other reasons, but everyone who was able to attend was blessed, and everyone who was not able to come was prayed for and very much missed! We had a great time and for those that attended we hope you did, too! We just want everyone to know that as the New Year begins we're thinking about you, praying for you, and are thankful to be part of such a wonderful church family! Our prayer is that God will bless each of you, and all your family, and that your New Year will be Great! God willing, we very much look forward to another year of faith, fellowship, friendship and service with you!