This month's kids' get-together was at the home of the Mathenys who live beside our church building and have access to the perfect size hill for sled riding for most of the kids in our congregation. The older boys were nowhere to be seen however as this particular hill wasn't challenging enough for them; therefore, there aren't many pictures of them either, lol.
First off was a devotional with a lesson from Randy M. and some singing! Below we have some of the children singing.
And these would be the older boys spoken about earlier, lol

And then the kids went outside for some sled riding fun and even a few of the adults got all bundled up and braved the frigid cold as in the picture with Roger and his daughter Ciara.

Randy and Vickie survey the hill.

Logan and the first wipe out of the day, lol

Leyna preparing Julianna for the ride down

Hey, adults can have fun, too! Go, Vickie!!

Jeff and Scott deep in discussion.

Our littlest sledder Ciara

And down goes Collin...

And Julianna...

And Selvie...

And Nicholas....

And Dryden...

And Graham...

And finally Josh's turn

The girls getting ready for another run down

Logan, Julianna, Aubrey and Kara - snow buddies

Aubrey and Ciara


Then everyone found their way back inside for some sloppy joes, lots of snacks (way too many snacks, lol) and some of Pam's homemade hot chocolate.
Here in this picture we all meet Scoob, the Mathenys' pet rabbit.
What a funny face, Jordie!
Randy and Roger actually stayed outside after the kids came in and "played" some more in the snow, lol. Here is Randy finally coming in and calling it quits.
This is where the ladies spent most of their time, lol, inside where it was nice and warm

You can tell Leyna just came inside from her rosey cheeks!

We are a very blessed congregation to have all these great kids.